AAPINA North Carolina
Goal Statement
The goals of the AAPINA North Carolina (NC) chapter are to facilitate research collaboration
among the AAPI nurses in NC to better understand unique challenges that AAPIs face with and to identify evidence-based solutions to them.
Our strategies to achieve this goal are:
a. Providing an online and offline venues where nurse researchers at NC can network and
share research collaboration opportunities
b. Recognizing and disseminating research that concerns the health topics pertinent to AAPIs
c. Advocating and raising awareness of the health issues pertinent to AAPIs through the
presentations and publications of the related research works in various scholarly venues
d. Actively engaging in training of future nursing scholars by providing mentorship and
opportunities to participate in research projects involving AAPIs.
- Hanzhang Xu: Interim President (1-year)
- Grace Wu: president-elect
- Se Hee Min: Treasure
- Letha Davis: Secretary